Accessibility Statement

Portrait of Jessica Mackaness and Erik Ideta

Accessibility Assistance

Mackaness & Ideta, LLP strives to ensure that our website is accessible to individuals with disabilities. To that end, we have created this page to help you better understand the accessibility features of our website. We are committed to making sure that everyone can access all information and services on our site, and have taken steps to ensure that our viewers can use our site without difficulty.

If you find an issue, experience any difficulty using our site, or would like more guidance on how to navigate our website, please contact Mackaness & Ideta, LLP by phone at (619) 359-8700 or email at

We will work with you to resolve any issues and ensure that you are able to access all the information you are interested in. Please note that this applies to publicly available information on our website.


Mackaness & Ideta, LLP has taken steps to ensure the accessibility of our website. Images are tagged with titles, descriptive text, and alternative text, font sizing can be controlled through web browsers, and colors have been optimized to improve the legibility of content.


Please contact our office at +1 (619) 359-8700 or if you would like to share any feedback about the accessibility of our website.